UPAK - United Pinoy Association in Korea, founded and organized by the support
of Philippine government officials, prominent Filipinos, honarable Koreans in the Philippines and the local Korean businessmen,
executives and lawyers. UPAK is a non-profit, non-government organization which aims to promote and enhhance the socio-economic
status of OFW's in Korea. Our vision is to be the leading non-government organization (NGO) for Filipinos in Korea highly
respected for its outstanding services and assistance that result in the socio-economic development of its members. The association's
objective is to help, assist, look-over and protect the welfare of all Filipinos living & working in Korea.
I. Information
One of UPAK's services is the bimonthly publication of our newspaper "Pinoy Balita" - a 24 page tabloid which is distributed
for free and read by almost all OFW's in Korea. This features important information about the Philippines such as updates
about poea and labor, events happening in each city and province through the ontributions of its local municipal mayor and
each barangay. It also features current events in Korea, labor matters and many more.
II. Culture / Trade Exchange
UPAK will set a 'yearly plan' of activities such as Christmas party, sports fest, celebration of Independence Day and others
that will create harmony, friendshipand camaraderie among the members.
III. Counseling (for Legal Matters, Labor Policy, EPS, etc.)
Our primary objective is to help Filipinos with their concerns such as harassment, unfair treatment, salary problem, insurance
claims, compensation, separation/severance pay and labor related complains including immigration matters which will require
coordination follow-up actions with their employers and to some government offices in Korea. The association, with its
law firm plus the voluntary offer of outside and private Korean lawyers, will be ready to help become mediator to solve the
problem. The association will stand in behalf of the Filipino to come up for the solution.
IV. Other (Promotion of Philippines)
UPAK is the 'order center' of Order Regalo - one of DTI's (Department of Trade and Industry)
project under the PITC (Philippine Int'l Trading Corporation) which is a government-owned and controlled corporation. Order
regalo is the easy and reliable way of sending gifts to your loved ones in the Philippines in cheaper prices. It is a government
program for Overseas Filipinos which enables them to purchase, while abroad, gifts for their relatives and friends for delivery
in the Philippines.