PEOPLE in their younger years and beter health seem to think most of the time what life can offer
them and less on whatthey can offer to the next generations. Thus most people who have incomes sufficient to live above the
survival level spend their extra time and money on things that give them immediate pleasure. The commercial world reinforces
this proclivity for passing things through ads and product that make hendonism a virtue. We see in media images of good-looking
and healthy people romping in beaches and enjoying their favorite drink while running their business, advertisements
that show guys sorrounded by beautiful women and enjoying their favorite liquor in a luxurious bar, etc.
Thus after developing pleasure-oriented mindsets, people tend to dwell only on the present with
no regard for their own and the future of others. And here lies the problem. In one hand, businesses,
in their efforts to survive the cut-throat competitin among themselves, tend to disregard the negative impact of their products
on our environement just to sell them. Aside from air, noise and waste pollution their products bring, their advertisements
also pollute the minds of people. On the other hand, individuals tend to be selfish and act irreponsibly against people whose
lives they touch. They spenmd less time with their families. They spend more time with people who give short-time happiness
to them. They often go to places where they think they can forget their problems. They lack focus on their jobs because they
are distracted by thoughts of "after working hours enjoyment". Theyresent their government for imposing taxes and other income
deductions which lessen their budget for leisure. Ultimately they will see others as hindrances or burdens to their worldly
pleasures. We see this destructive and fast-growing trend among people even among our friends. And we are worried.
We have no beef against people enjoying life fully but it should not be the "be all" of their
existence. People, by their own experience, shall themselves attest that physical pleasure alone cannot satisfy them. For
human beings are two-dimensional - physical and spiritual - and that his heaven is not on this earth. Thus people should always
remember that, like tourist, we are just passing by earth not only to enjoy but also preserve and improve it for future tourists
- the next generations. And there should our contentment be - making this world a better place to live in. And that should
be our legacy to our children.
Of course, as individuals, we may not even make a minuscule dent on a very large world. Yet we
can, like a small pebble thrown into a large pond, make ripples that can be felt by the world. We can make ripples in our
day-to-day lives by giving our best in anything we do. We can make ripples by doing good things that other people will feel
and remember. Good things that ill leave a mark in their hearts. Good things that they will emulate.
As OFWs, you can allocate time to periodically send to your dependents notes and pictures that
communicate your deep love. You can send letters to your local officials to show your appreciation for constructive things
they do and your displeasure for things they don't do for your community. You can donate money and things to help the people
in need. Of course, you can produce more ripples by sharing your time and joining non-profit organizations that aim to improve
the lives of others. In fact in Korea, you can join UPAK.
For UPAK was established to create ripples. Ripples that can touch the lives notonly of its members
and their dependents but also people's and governments' so that our earth can be a better palce to live in. UPAK aims to initially
unite OFWs and other workers, then their dependents, later their communities so that as a united group it can weild a long
and large stick. So , together with other NGOs, it can make governments and large businesses listen to its aspirations and
help in its efforts to leave a better wolrld as OUR LEGACY to the generations ahead.