Everyone has to undergo the dangers of life's storms, feel the hopelessness in one's darkest
hours and experience deep misery and sadness in one's defeats. The storm may be in the form of sudden financial need
when one's child needs to be rushed to the hospital and one has no money in his pocket. Hopelessness may loom when after so
many months looking for a job no employer has shown interest in hiring you. Deep sadness may engulf you when your dreams and
expectations are shattered.
However, what makes people tougher and better is how they deal and solve life's difficulties.
As a saying goes, "When things get tough, tough people gets tougher". Most people succeed because they don't give up even
during the toughest and hardest times. Instead they are filled with HOPE and look at life's problems as challenges which ultimately
they will overcome; they look at setbacks as temporary inconvenience; and crises as oppurtunities to improve their fate.
In one hand, winners, after looking over the site of turbulance, sit down and size up things,
look beyond life's dark clouds, formulate a good plan for the future, and with fervor and determination implement their plan
until they succeed.
Losers, on the other hand, point to other people to blame for their failures, give up even when
the storm is not yet at hand, surrender shortly after being hit by the first blow of failure and sometimes even commit suicide
to escape what only seem overwhelming odds.
OFWs are already winners when they left the Philippines to try their luck in Korea. They have
overcome defeat in their homeland to rise again and decide to seek a place where the sun shines brighter.
But as they start anew in a foreign land, they not only encounter more difficult trials but
they are doubly burdened by the thought that they have nothing to come back to if they fail this time. Most of them cannot
afford to fail this time for it is not only their dreams that are at stake but the FUTURE of their loved ones.
It is therefore necessary to think and act as winners. OFWs must not only keep plodding regardless
of what lies beyond, YOU must sit down; analyze the environment where they work; formulate short- and long-term plans; and
give all your GOD-given skills and talents to fulfill your plans so that you can attain a brighter future not only for yourselves
but for your loved ones.
However, life is not that simple, and alone YOU may find your plans barred by seemingly insurmountable
walls. BUT DON'T GIVE UP! UPAK has been organized to help you surmount these great barriers. UPAK was established by
Koreans who, as foreign workers in the Philippines, suffered the same loneliness of being far from their loved ones, sacrificed
so much for working under a foreign culture and environment; and overcame similar challenges. We have devoted our lives to
make your way towards your dreams less difficult. We have decided to HELP you in terms of protecting you from abusive employers,
medical assistance in times of illness and accidents, moral support in times of loneliness, even help in financial crisis.
We have only one request-in your most difficult times