"No man is an island" is both an accepted saying an a truth that applies to every person specially
now that everybody is rapidly becoming a member of the global community. This means that people are linked together no matter
what his role in life is. That's why people must develop positive relationships between and and among themselves and their
families, friends and other people regardless of their sex, religion, race, and status if they want to survive and progress
in life.
However, to make relationships worthwhile if not successful, two elements are essential.
They are trust and confidence. Without these two all endeavors will fail and progress cannot be attained. Perhaps
our loving God blessed us with, like the five senses, these elements when we were born. As babies and children, we had to
have trust and confidence in our parents as well as other members of the family for us to survive. As pupils and students,
we had to have trust and confidence towards our teachers for our education. Now, as employees or employers, we mutually need
these two elements between and each other if our source of livelihood is to endure.
However, as we journey through life and meet few people who do not deserve our trust and confidence,
we somehow tend to generally lose faith in others. This few and sometimes insignificant negative experience create doubts
even fear within ourselveson our ability to relate to people. This fear has prevented us from reaching our full potentials
and even brought us failures and problems. Yes, there are some people who do not deserve our trust and confidence even respect
but they are not reasons sufficient enough for youto lose your faith in most people. For generally people are like you good
and trustworhty and if we want to succeed in our endeavours we must embrace again that God-given basic elements of trust and
confidence in ourselves and in other people.
To a greater degree, OFWs need the abovementioned elements not only in Korea but all over the
world wherever they work. They need the two to develop closer ties between and among themselves. Partially this bonding is
accomplished through the setting up of usually clannishassociations such as Ilocano, Ilongo, Kapampangan associations. But
it stops there. Pinoys find it difficult to form a united and solid OFW association which is open to all Pinoys no matter
what their provincial origin is. Somehow to a certain degree, the lack of trust and confidence among themselves prevents this
unification and solidarity.